Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Happy Africa Foundation

Dear All,

Welcome to The Happy Africa Foundation's blog.

Please use this page update us about your ideas, questions and interests.

Thank you for time and support!

Best wishes,

The Happy Africa Foundation Team.


  1. Dear all,

    Welcome to The Happy Africa Foundation's blog! We are busy at work organising the Foundation's Sponsor a Child website, for Mozambique, Kenya and Zambia. The projects in Zanzibar and Cape Town will follow shortly! Please bear with us as we upload all of the children's profiles, here in Africa it takes a little longer. Watch this space...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So we have decided to run an exhausting 10 kms in Livingstone because we all love running so much. Well that's not entirely true! Me, Rosie, Michelle and Neale (and anyone else that is brave enough to step up to the challenge) are running to raise support for all of our projects throughout eastern and southern Africa. To spice things up we thought it would be most entertaining to run in fancy dress and even more fun to ask for your suggestions - SO PLEASE GIVE US YOUR IDEAS!!
